Jose Moises Arevalo's space

Just another site

Las Day in New York City

On our last day in New York, I wanted to keep it simple and relaxed. Our flight did not leave until 7:00 pm so we had a few hours to kill before heading out to the airport. We got up late, showered, got ready, checked out and headed to Coco and Toto to drop precious off for a few hours.

I wanted to take my son to the zoo where the penguins of Madagascar lived at but when I got to the Central Park Zoo I wasn’t sure if that was the correct zoo. We really did not have much time but we got to see the few little animals they have there and my son was frantically looking for Skipper, Kowalski, Rico and Private and the rest of the gang in the movie and cartoon series. We saw the whole thing in less than an hour but we had fun regardless, there is a sea lion, meerkats, an aviary with tropical birds and penguins!

After we were done we wanted to eat lunch at a nice place but my son opted for the fast food restaurant they had in the zoo. We had chicken fingers and fries which were not really that good but I went along with my son because we had to get back to the hotel and pick up our bags o heat to the airport. We then went to a petting zoo on the side of the main zoo and we needed to get in were the main zoo tickets. This was a more fun place for my son since there were a few kid play and exploring areas and food pellets vending machines for the lamas and goats they had their on display. They even had two big pot belly pigs who were taking a nap when we were there.

One hour later, we walked a few blocks down from Central Park, we passed the Plaza Hotel, bought lottery tickets, got souvenirs and took a taxi to go back to Coco and Toto, we told them how grateful we were for taking care of our dog and we headed back to the Hotel.

My plan was to leave the hotel by 4:00 pm, one hour trip to JFK airport and be there at the right time to catch a plane and it actually worked out as planned. We shared a ride with a couple from Argentina who were there for a wedding.

Once we were checked in to our flight, I had my son sit inside the terminal while I walked Precious out for a last time before we walk to the gate which is a point of no return. She had her last piss in NYC and we headed to our terminal.

Precious behaved well during the flight; five hours and a few White Russians later courtesy of American Airlines we got to Las Vegas right on time. Once we were in our truck and on our way home to the airport all I heard was my son talking of how much fun he had had on our trip. Precious was also excited to be out her bag.

Home was warm and cozy, I was happy everything went as planned and we were safe and sound, we went to sleep right away – an adventure to the big apple had ended.

Las Vegas Circus Spectacular at The Orleans Hotel and Casino

I went to the Las Vegas Circus Spectacular at the Orleans Hotel and Casino last night with my son. I bought the tickets on line with a special coupon code that pretty much gave me fifty percent discount on two second row- center – ring seats, which was a pretty good deal.

This article is not to criticize the show by any means since it was both entertaining and innovative but to question the managing of the cash sales during the event.

Like I said before, I bought the will call tickets on line, printed my receipt and went headed to the venue with my son and fifteen dollars cash and my personal’s account Visa ATM card in my pocket thinking that since it was at the Orleans I wasn’t going to need much cash on me.

When we got there, a crowd had already gathered at the entrance of the venue and even though there was some disorganization with the lines, it only took a few minutes for the ushers to organize everyone by purchased, will purchase and will call customers. Once we picked up our tickets we went inside the Orleans Arena and we wanted to start enjoying all the treats they had for sale, so we went straight to the caramel apple stand but to my surprise this and all the other stands took cash only and the only thing you could buy with your credit/ATM card were nachos and cheese and sodas from the arena’s concessions – I was then going around the arena locating an ATM machine to get some cash so I could buy snow cones, pop corn and a light saver for my son, once I had the cash we were able to get all we wanted and went down to our seats to wait for the show to start.

I totally understand that the proceeds go to benefit the Children’s Miracle Network at the St Rose Dominican Hospitals but where was the Nevada Department of Taxation in all this?

There was a big cash flow and no proof of receipts, the only thing that I saw it was being accounted for were the tickets for the Elephant and Pony Rides and the Jumpers they had down at the base of the arena, that’s it!

I spent about fifty dollars between all we spend at arena, not including the tickets, and it was just my son and I; there were also families from four to eight people and they all had popcorn, shaved ice and circus toys, which just by making speculative calculations it amounts to thousand of cash dollars revenue.

I really hope they have a good accounting system or auditor and I really hope all the sales taxes are being accounted for and paid.

Going back to the show, it had one really funny clown that interacted and was loved by the audience, aero-acrobats, beautiful show girls, well trained and entertaining tigers, dogs and elephants and BMX Bike Champion, Motorcycle Iron Ball of Death and my favorite was the Human Cannonball at the end of the show.

Overall the show was well organized and creative; they had plenty of ushers and employees that had everyone well taken care of and the circus entertainers kept everyone attentive and at awe.