Saying Good Bye to My IPhone 3GS

by Jose M Arevalo

Today I took on the job on finding a replacement for my IPhone 3GS and I don’t mean that I will replace it for another smart phone since I don’t believe there is a replacement for such a great machine, but I will replace it for a phone that actually works for its purpose – To make and keep phone calls!

I really want a small phone that can actually make and keep a phone call without dropping it as often as my IPhone does. I might sound like I haven’t complained enough but believe me,  I have called AT&T many times to voice my concerns, and the last thing they did for me when I had the IPhone 3G was to let me upgrade to the IPhone 3GS which, according to them, were sure it would solve the problem.

Trading up did solve the call drops for a few months – but then, I started having problems again. I even collaborated with reporting the bad spots – on their free AT&T app I got from the apps store – whenever it was safe to do it while driving. The drop calls mostly happened when I was driving around Las Vegas or – the most annoying – when I was sitting at my desk inside my office.

Going to Utah often to visit family was when I got the worst reception, but now that I think about it, is somehow understandable, since most of the drive is through mountains ranges; but if I decided to stop for meal, let’s say in Cedar City, not many bars on my IPhone there! I know it was my phone because my friend also subscribes to AT&T Services but he has a different phone that showed all connection bars while we were there, and he really had better reception and no drop calls! This happened enough times to know the IPhone was the problem

I called AT&T a few days back,  right around the announcement of the IPhone going to the Verizon Wireless network and the agent over the phone told me that that in February I could upgrade to the new iPhone 4 for a regular retail sales price of $199.00 without paying any penalties  on my two year contract I have with them, but then I remember antenna gate – even though she assured me that getting a new phone will make things better and that there are no more issues with the antenna on the new IPhones 4.

I decided upgrading again this time would not make sense to get a new IPhone 4 when It’s been rumored that a new IPhone 5, or 4GS – or whatever they’re going to call it – will be introduced in Spring 2011, but who knows what they’re going to charge to upgrade to that.

Ok, it’s enough blah blah blah and complaints about the IPhone.

I have always loved Nokia phones for their simplicity and they are loved everywhere in Latin America, specially El Salvador and Mexico, because they are cheap and practical. I have also traveled to Europe and I have seen Nokia phones are loved over there too.

I definitely did not want a flip phone since they are so ten years ago, and after spending a few hours searching for a Nokia phone, I finally found what I needed at the Nokia USA Store  website under unblocked phones.

They of course had the newest smart phone options with its matching accessories like everyone else –I was not interested – so, I went to the cheapest and simplest phone list and found two options, one for about forty bucks each and another one for about one hundred. I immediately loved the Nokia 2370 which was the second option; after reading the comments from people that already owns it – I totally went for it! And since I was so excited about the new phone I even paid an extra nine ninety nine for “Extra Fast shipping”.

I should get my new Nokia phone by Friday and hopefully I will be able to keep a conversation with my clients without dropping my calls or so I hope … I will probably be writing about it if I continue having drop calls because that would mean the problem is not actually the phones but the AT&T network.

I promise I will still be loyal to IPhone and if a new one comes out this year (I’m would love it in white please!) I will definitely buy a new one or wait for a next generation in 2012 – when my renewal is up – but I will keep it in my closet and use it only when I travel out of the country because it seems that is when I get the best reception.
