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Category: politcs

President Obama and His Stand Regarding Same- Sex Marriage

President Obama, to me, will always be remembered as a Philosopher, a dreamer and a person full of empty promises to win political momentum on an election year.

The last time around when Secretary of State Mrs. Clinton announced her candidacy for president, winds of change became part of many Americans hopes and dreams, and for many straight and gay men and women, having a woman for president – after so many men have destroyed our country’s opinion in the world – was the best thing that could ever happen to get us out of the Bushes era we all had to endured.

Politics create Politicians, and Politics are games of bait and hook.

President Obama moved many Young and Old African and Hispanic Americans and won their vote because he was seen as a “messiah”, a Marvelous, Well Versed man who inspired the masses and took on the “Si Se Puede or “Yes We Can” voice of many immigrants looking for a path to legalization, and turned it into his Campaign Slogan.

Now, that after President Obama’s first term is about to end, what does he have to show for his promises of change? A Health Care Reform being contested in the Supreme Court, the Nationalization of Freddie Mac and Fannie May and other companies, the most deported illegal alien numbers in the U.S. History and an economy still in rumbles.

Without the Hispanic vote he will most probably not win and he needed one Big Change of Policy that – win or lose – was going to excite his base of voters and bring him back to the Front Page of Newspapers so he could become the most talked about person in a week in all media outlets.

Pro-marriage Homosexuals are excited, Young College Students are excited, Hispanic Americans are exited, Wedding Planners and everyone involved in the Multi-Million Bridal Business are excited, but will it be enough to win another four-year term?

Fortunately for him, Hispanic American are not going to vote for Mr. Romney, especially since he is completely against some kind of immigration reform, but this time around they must just sit at home and not vote at all.

For most Anglo and African-Americans, the problem of immigration must be completely irrelevant and non-important and they might have other issues that they might want to have resolved sooner.

Hispanic Americans on the other hand believe that an immigration reform is necessary because of the millions of family members that either were brought here when they were babies and now are not able to get an education or get a legal job, or of the millions of family members that are on a Temporary Protected Status and have to renew their Work Permits every year without knowing if it is going to be granted for another twelve months.

Hispanic Americans were promised an Immigration Reform, Homosexual Americans have not been promised the Legalization of Same-Sex Marriage yet – let’s be clear on that – but President Obama is the first U.S. President to have said that he “Thinks same-sex couples should be able to get married”, unfortunately, from saying to doing there is a long winding, tumultuous way to go.

By recent polls, it seems he has not lost votes and he has received the momentum to raise enough funds that his campaign needed to cloud Mitt Romney‘s claim of the GOP Presidential Nomination;

I now feel for all the souls that are going to fall for the same old political tricks, and that, four years from now – they will still be left with no same-sex marriage act to allow the many Homosexual Americans that want to legalize their unions.

It Will Take More that Just One President’s Opinion to Allow for Same-sex Marriage in the U.S

Hugo Chavez defeated by his Own Deteriorating Body?

I am glad they still have found no cure for death!

I say that not because I mean harm or pain to anyone – I still wish my loving mother were alive – but can you imagine if Bonaparte, Hitler or Mussolini were still alive?

I am really glad that life is a cycle and humans – who are made of matter – just transform and go back to the earth.

The world has endured so much pain and suffering from men who have been born and grown up just to commit atrocities against humanity and just to imagine the kind of harm they would have done if they could have lived forever.

Some of the men who have become dictators and cleaned their path to power by executing or imprisoning whoever stood on their way – even if some of them had not been defeated by war- would still be alive plotting and using other people to do what they could not do to regain power.

I have been watching South America for the last ten years not only because of their unstable political day to day life, but because I was born and raised in El Salvador from 1972 to 1992 and I have always been concerned of the well being of the few surviving family member that still live there. During these ten years I have seen the death of Pinochet and Stroessner (Who casually both died in 2006), and worse -I have also seen the rise of Hugo Chavez and Evo Morales.

Some critics blame theUnited Statesfor “neglecting” theAmericasto concentrate in the Middle East with the invasion ofIraqand the senseless war inAfghanistanand nowLibya. I personally believe that the United States involvement in the Central and South Americas in the 70’s and 90’s during the cold war was necessary; even though it cost hundreds of thousands of deaths of innocent people and left a sour aftertaste in many people’s mouths, which probably is why now the US Government decided to stay away for a while – either to improve their world image or just to concentrate in countries that could become a military or terror threat to their nation.

The problem of this disengagement from the North, of over ten years, have brought the South the rise of men like the Bolivian president and of course Venezuelan President Chavez – who doesn’t want to be called a Dictator – and who has publically denounced the “constant threat of Capitalism” against his Presidency, his life and his Country.

I have specially been watching this guy, not because he reminded me of Cuba’s thirty year old Dictator Fidel Castro, but because he reminds me more of Anastacio Somoza; but let us not forget that Anastacio was allegedly killed by Castro and his Brother and in Chavez’s case He and Castro’s share a special brotherhood/friendship and I doubt any plans for Chavez’s assassination will be planned in Habana by either.

Chavez has fought fervidly to keep control of his government, manipulate Venezuelan’s congress to his favor and keep happy the very own people who got him into power… the Republic’s poor.

Unfortunate for him, but fortunate for his detractors, is that no one that surrounds him, his allies, the bordering countries or Presidents or anyone even further North from Venezuela – The United States of America – has anything to do with his – seem to be closer than expected -demise.

It is his own body that is threatening to end his life and end his constant struggle and desire of power and ideological war against Capitalism and the North.

We cannot say that his days are over yet because he is inCuba, where – either we like it or not – anyone with money there can find some of the best medicinal care in the world.

Just look what is doing to Fidel Castro; they have kept him alive for so many years after his obligatory “retirement” due mostly to take care of his personal deteriorating health.

I saw Hugo Chavez’s last fifteen-minute speech fromCubatoday and Chavez looks tired, sick and he seems to be losing the sparkle he had when he was first elected.

Is his life over? Probably not yet, but his days in power are almost over. Has anyone seen what happens to the old lion and his harem when he becomes old and week?

I think we all know the answer.

The one thing that somehow puzzles me is the fact that – now that he has been away from Venezuela for three weeks – there has not been a coupe d’état or anyone that has tried to take advantage of his weakness. I believe no one wants to get killed or blamed if he gets better and comes back.

The lion is weak and old. There is definitely not a worse enemy that our own body when it comes to power hungry men throughout history.

The one thing I will always remember Chavez for is when he stood at the United Nation’s podium and claim “it smelled like sulfur still” after George W Bush had stood at the same place a day before. Those are the balls of a man who unfortunately is no less human than Bush.