I want to Read!

I want to read…

Without being left in a hot desert, I feel the thirst of a wonderer…

It’s been hours, days, months or almost a year since I sat down and put a book on my lap to read.

I still read, Oh yes I do! But it’s not with the same passion as reading a book when my mind craves for one!

 I miss my long nights when my eyes couldn’t close because they were hooked onto the fantasy lines and the surrealistic images of the story.

 My mind wonders free of the lusty and materialistic thoughts of this horrifying world.

I fly, fly to where I wish I’d never return.

I want to read, I want to be abducted to the penumbra of a dream world.

I want to be raped off these ugly spirits that chain me to reality.

I want to read and be transported to Paradise in an austral dream of hallucinating and passionate desires.

I want to read.